odrive Status buildNumber: 7226 product: prod odriveEmail: TommyMapp@outlook.com odriveName: Tommy Mapp authorizedAccountSourceType: CloudDrive downloadThreshold: Never download unsyncThreshold: -1 autoTrashThreshold: -1 xlFileThreshold: never downloadThrottlingThreshold: unlimited uploadThrottlingThreshold: normal odriveFolder: C:/Users/T/Pictures/odrive LocalEventsEnabled: True RemoteEventsEnabled: True LocalScanEnabled: True RemoteScanEnabled: True generalConf: premiumConf: Blacklist: Names: com9, com8, lpt8, lpt9, com1, lpt5, com3, com2, com5, com4, icon/r, com6, $extend, nul, current_odrive_status.txt, $badclus, $upcase, $objld, .fcpcache, prn, $mftmirr, .odrive, lpt4, $attrdef, .localized, aux, thumbs.db:encryptable, $volume, lpt7, lpt2, thumbs.db, odrive_user_general_conf.txt, $logfile, lpt1, $boot, $reparse, com7, .ds_store, $secure, icon, lpt3, $bitmap, icon, $mft, odrive_user_premium_conf.txt, .oxygenreserved, .dropbox, $quota, lpt6, desktop.ini, System Volume Information, .lock, .oxygenmeta, con Prefixes: thumbs.db, .lock, ~, .~, ._ Extensions: .dwl2, .m~, .crdownload, .vpsh, .tmp, .download, .lrprev, .dwl Contains: Queued folder refreshes (0): Trash (0): Not allowed (0): Waiting (0): Active (0): Uploads (0): Downloads (0): Sync folders (0): Folder sync rules (0): # of Folders (Total): 3 # of Files (Total): 0 # of Objects: 3 Recently added to remote (0): Recent Errors: