It looks like the errors completely go away when I exclude both folders. I left my laptop on for over 20 hours starting yesterday, and I didn’t see anymore errors.
Regarding the potential issue with the number of files in a folder, I do think it is related to my issue even if you cannot reproduce it. I cleaned out the Pictures\Samsung Gallery\DCIM\Camera folder a few weeks ago (moved a bunch of jpeg and mp4 files elsewhere, reducing the number of files to less than 100), and since then I hadn’t gotten any more errors for that folder before you asked me to exclude it. I’m willing to bet that once I clean out the Pictures\Camera Roll folder that the errors will go away there too. So I plan to do that as a workaround until a permanent solution can be found.
Below is a copy of my diagnostics report. Thanks again for all of your help.
Hi @chris2,
Thanks for continuing to work with me on this!
Maybe it has to do with the paging within these particular folders. This means the number of items Microsoft returns in a single request to list a folder. The page size is now 1000 items (the max Microsoft will allow). Before the recent changes made to the test versions you’ve been trying, the page size was 200.
Perhaps there could be something weird with these specific folders and paging, so that it can list the folder as long as the number of items is 1000 or less.
I don’t know why these two folders are an exception, though. I have now done lots of testing with OneDrive folders with many thousands of items in them without any issues.
You gave me an idea. Would you consider a test version that reduced the page size rather than increasing it? I notice that when browsing folders on, the page size appears to be 100. I can tell because when I scroll down to the bottom of the file list in a particular folder with 1000s of files in it, the list appears to end prematurely after only 100 files, but then after a significant pause 100 more files load. This process keeps repeating as I scroll down the list of files. If 100 is the page size OneDrive is using in its web app, maybe reducing the page size of the API call to 100 would be better.
Hi @chris2,
Here is a test build that restricts the page size to 100. I will be surprised if this changes the behavior, but its worth a shot!
Another idea is to remove odrive access to your OneDrive account, then authorize it again to see if this will possibly correct the strange behavior with these particular folders.
Thanks for the test build. I got excited at first because initially after the test build install my “invalid signature” errors went away, but after several hours the same errors came back. Not only did I get “invalid signature” errors with Pictures\Camera Roll but also for other folders that I didn’t see errors for before.
I just submitted a new diagnostic report. I am attaching the same below. I guess in the meantime I will revert to using the latest official build and start cleaning out my OneDrive folders to be less than 100 files each as a workaround to my issue.
I think the larger page size in the next build will help, to some degree, but those particular folders seem to be very sensitive to whatever issue this is running into.
I’m sorry you are having to deal with this. Were you able to get things to a place where you are no longer seeing these errors?