Sync only photos (allowed file types) to Amazon

Now that Amazon has dropped their unlimited storage, I’d like to continue to take advantage of Prime Photos. One of the sync folders has 1.06TB of content, most of which have filetypes acceptable to Amazon. I’ve already consumed my free 5GB of storage, so most files are now rejected except for the “unlimited” photos.

Now, when I sync this folder, I get a list of “not allowed files”, mostly .XMP sidecar files. I can live with this, but my question: is ODrive sending these files (using bandwidth) and is Amazon rejecting them because I’m out of non-photo storage, or are they rejected immediately without using bandwidth?

Also, does ODrive understand that these files will never upload or will it keep retrying?

Finally, is there a way to set a filter to control which files get uploaded?

A post was merged into an existing topic: How to stop videos from syncing? (But keep photo sync?)