Sync between Mac and Windows


I work with both a Mac and a Windows 10 PC. I have an odrive desktop app on both computers. Just recently a began uploading all my photos (from a DSLR) to my Amazon Cloud Drive from my Macbook. However, even when doing a refresh on my Windows PC, I don’t see these folders and files from my Windows desktop application, even though they show up on my Mac application and my Amazon Cloud drive. I am wondering if the reason is because they were added from the mac and windows works with NTFS format? Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @Michelle_Seibert,
Can you provide an example of the file names that are not showing up? A screenshot from the web client or your mac would be helpful. Usually the only time we see something like this is if the file has a character that cannot be used in file names on Windows, but is allowed on Mac.

An example file name is IMG_0001.jpg (just the number changes for the rest of the files.) Other files are similar. The only symbols in any of them are the dash or underscore. I am starting to wonder if my windows client is just not refreshing because I have seen files on the windows client that I know I moved from my mac to the cloud.

Hi @Michelle_Seibert,
Can you send a diagnostic from the odrive menu on the Windows machine and provide the full path to the files that aren’t showing up?

Tony, after looking at the full path for the files I realized it was an issue with the folder name. There was a character not recognized in the name of the folder. Once I fixed the folder name, the folder showed up and the files synced. Thanks!

Great! Thanks for the update @Michelle_Seibert.