ODrive thinks it has uploaded everything but it hasn't


I have been running an upload of my external hard drive to Amazon Drive for a few weeks. In total the data on the disk is just over 1TB. Drive has to date uploaded 944gb and it has now stopped. The Odrive icon has turned black and it does not show that it is uploading any more files. When I click on the disk it seems to show blue ticks next to everything as though everything has been synced, but it cannot have been because when I double check the amount of data on Amazon Drive vs what is on the external disk to be uploaded, it is still about 100gb short.

Any ideas?

Many thanks

Hi @robin_milner,
Amazon Drive’s allocation reporting has been shown to be off sometimes, but usually in the other direction. Are you able to narrow down where you think the data may not be syncing? It could be possible that there are files/folders that have “illegal” or ignored (https://docs.odrive.com/docs/sync-changes#section--ignore-list-) characters, which would prevent those files from syncing.

Do you see anything listed in “not allowed” or “waiting” in the odrive menu?
Can you send a diagnostic from the odrive menu?