I use odrive to save my files on amazon cloud drive. Recently I noticed that odrive seems to be creating strange files at the root of my amazon cloud drive folder. Basically there should only be 2 folders on the drive Backup and Sharing. On seemingly random occasions, odrive starts creating a ton of new files out of random places from the backup tree (see image of all those files just being created).
This is quite annoying as I have to manually delete them all to get a clean directory.
Hi @clem.renault,
This sounds like an issue that we have seen that is specific to Amazon Drive (no other services have exhibited this behavior). It has to do with Amazon’s auto-purging of their cloud trash, which they do after 30 days.
Hi, for some time I have many files in the root directory and I don’t know how they uploaded there.
I always upload folders and not individual files, and always is inside the main folder “odrive backup”
Is there a way to identify from where the file were uploded? I only use odrive to backup files.
Hi Tony, thanks for the answer. Is there any manual way (for instance emptying the trash manually on the web app) to solve this ? it looks like it is continuing and I have no idea how / when this will stop. On another note maybe we could let Amazon know ?
Hi @clem.renault,
I have seen it happen when manually emptying the trash, but you can at least catch it right when it happens so it is not as confusing.
I have reached out to Amazon in the past without success, but maybe the third time is a charm? Hopefully they will come back with something useful.