Odrive crashes when I try to Sync subfolders

On one of my machines, every time I right-click a folder and choose “Sync” (with options “Download: Nothing” and “Include subfolders”) odrive immediately exits.

Version 6002

Hi @Zero_G,
Let’s try running from the terminal to see if anything spits out before it closes.

bindir=$(ls -d "$HOME/.odrive/bin/"*/ | tail -1); echo $bindir;"${bindir}odriveapp.app/Contents/MacOS/odrive"

Can you also check for any recent crash reports. You can find the reports by going to Finder -> Go -> Go to folder and then pasting this in:

We are looking for any recent reports starting with “odrive”.

Sent diagnostics via PM to @Tony

Thanks. I’m taking a look and will respond in the PM