Hello again, fellow odrivers!
We’ve got a new batch of improvements for you all.
DESKTOP (Win v5203 / Mac v5246):
- Allow removal of Folder Sync Rule by unchecking box
- Move operation tracking improvements
- Windows sync clients: less aggressive OS file locking by odrive
- Office file editing behavior improvements
- Fix for issue where user created a Folder Sync Rule on top-level Encryptor and would not display a newly created Encryption folder. (Encrypted folders not syncing to my odrive folder)
- Tray menu fixes that certain users were encountering (primarily Oxygen Cloud users that had not set their profile information yet).
Please grab the new build from https://www.odrive.com/features/sync for now until we push the build to our autoupdater.
- Refresh button for web client file browsing, gallery, open in web preview, and share link views.
- Premium plan purchasing error handling updates.
- Updates to Links pages: Instagram, Gmail, Facebook.