Massive bandwidth usage since installing Odrive

Hi there. I love odrive so far. Since installing odrive my bandwith has gone from ~300GB/ month to last month’s 2.6TB! Thank goodness I upgraded my fibre internet account to unlimited before I hit my limit.

I only have a 250GB SSD hard drive - so how is this even possible? Just today it looks like my have uploaded 200GB? It is really freaking me out. Is something wrong?

Thanks for the help.

Hi @goodhorseytime,
Do you happen to have some large files being uploaded? Are you also uploading to Amazon Drive?

If so, those two things, combined, can cause some looping uploads. Amazon is notorious for a couple of issues they have with large file uploads. If you send a diagnostic I can take a closer look.

Another possibility is a large file/files that are changing a lot. Each change will trigger a new upload. For example, some people sync their actively-used Outlook pst files, which can change all the time. Each time a change is detected odrive will try to upload it.

Hi Tony. I have both of those.

I’m uploading about 100GB of photos to Amazon Drive. So maybe that’s it. Once they are all uploaded will this continue to be an issue?

I have sent you a diagnostic report.

Hi @goodhorseytime,
I am seeing this error: “File size exceeds account allowance” for a lot of the files (looks to be all videos). We will put these files into “not allowed”, but retry them every once in a while to see if the account status has changed.

It sounds like you may have the “Prime Photos” subscription, and not the “Unlimited Storage” subscription. This means you get unlimited photos, but videos and everything else only has 5GB of storage to work with. In this case, unfortunately, unless you upgrade the account, your videos are never going to upload.

Oh … yep that must be what it is. I have videos mixed in with my photos and there is probably a loop happening with those video files. I’ve just upgraded my account to unlimited. Do you think that will solve the issue?

Hi @goodhorseytime,
Yes, the files that were having issues should now be able to successfully upload. I would say just keep an eye on it.

I also recommend just letting things sync without messing too much with odrive during that time. Sometimes folks will perform reorganization and other operations during a bulk upload job, which can make things a lot more complex for odrive to track, slowing things down and adding more overhead.

Ok thanks Tony. Much appreciated. Excellent service :slight_smile:

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