iOS App - Error Sending Sign-in Id

Unable to send email.

I keep being told that my sign-in id is wrong, but I don’t know what it is. I’ve tried to use my email account. I created my account with my gmail account so I’m using my gmail address. But no luck, and when I try to recover my sign-in id with the ios app I get the “unable to send email” error message.

Hi @michael.fuselier,
Sorry for the confusion. The mobile app is part of odrive2, so it requires an odrive2 account instead of an odrive1 account. Please take a look at this post for more details:

Dear ODrive Team, I have that exact same issue ; if I create a new odrive2 account how will it work with my subscription to premium? Thanks, Olivier

Hi @olivier.caire,
You can use the link in the post above to get credit on odrive2 with your odrive1 subscription. The process creates a link between the two accounts so that credit can be added.

@Tony, sorry, didn’t see that drop-down arrow!!! Thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

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