I have a lot of .itc files in the odrive trash bin

Sending all files to Amazon Cloud Drive (initial seeding) and I can’t find a way to determine where these .itc files are stored on my Mac - so I can’t tell if they’re actually in my Mac’s Trash (i.e. actually moved) - and I think these are somehow related to iTunes and maybe should be automatically excluded from sync if they’re useless files.

If you click on the item listed in the odrive trash it will pop a window that shows the path to that file.

A quick search seems to indicate that they are album artwork files for iTunes


How/why would something be deleted? I

Should the “cache” folder just be excluded? If yes, how to?

Will you be adding .itc file extension to list of excluded file types? Or is there a way for me to customize what file extensions are excluded only in my account?

Thank you.

We hope to add the ability to define custom exclusions, in the future, so that you can set exclusions for your particular use cases.

In this case, since odrive is monitoring your entire iTunes library, it is going to pick up files that change inside. I am guessing that, during the course of using/managing iTunes these cache files are added and removed periodically. When removed they will be help in the odrive trash until emptied.

My list of trash bin files is apparently too long; it just ends in a grayed out “…” implying there are more.

Is there a way to see a text file or Terminal or something that lists all files and file locations so I can more quickly see if it’s ok to delete them all?

Yeah, let’s give that a shot.

We can also use the CLI to give us a status of what is going on. You can copy and paste these commands into a command prompt on windows to run.

This first command will download and save the odrive CLI for use on Windows:

powershell -command "& {$comm_bin=\"$HOME\.odrive\common\bin\";$o_cli_bin=\"$comm_bin\odrive.exe\";(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(\"https://dl.odrive.com/odrivecli-win\", \"$comm_bin\oc.zip\");$shl=new-object -com shell.application; $shl.namespace(\"$comm_bin\").copyhere($shl.namespace(\"$comm_bin\oc.zip\").items(),0x10);del \"$comm_bin\oc.zip\";}"

This second command will query the odrive desktop trash:

powershell -command "& {$comm_bin=\"$HOME\.odrive\common\bin\";$o_cli_bin=\"$comm_bin\odrive.exe\";$(& \"$o_cli_bin\" status --trash);}"

Whoops… forgot you are on Mac, will post Mac in a sec. Leaving Windows for the benefit of others.

Here’s the Mac version, which you can run from the terminal:
python $(ls -d "$HOME/.odrive/bin/"*/ | tail -1)odrive.py status --trash

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Well guess what… Set to Auto Empty Trash is “Never” but all those files are now gone from Odrive’s trash and new files are there… but, yes, that command did work on my Mac, which reveals some other file extensions you probably want to exclude by default:


If you didn’t choose to empty the trash It’s possible that the iTunes caching is bringing these files back locally, which would then remove them from trash (since they no longer "deleted).

You can double-check by checking Amazon Drive’s trash: https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive/trash

But I had other files in there too, like .CR2 files (photo RAW files) – somehow they’re now back in there (they did disappear from view and from Terminal output before), and some new files are also in there (as expected).

https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive/trash does not have any .itc files in it.
There are .itc files in ACD’s folders (found via its search function) but none in its trash.
I’m not sure what that means or doesn’t mean.

If you restart odrive (or it restarts from an auto-update) the trash may take some time to re-populate, which may be why you were seeing some differences there.

odrive will sync its files which is why you see them in ACD. The ones that appear in trash indicate that the files have been deleted locally, most likely by iTunes. Since they can exist in the caches, these files may pop in and out of existence while iTunes is running.