Hello, I’m using odrive app on macOS Big Sur (11.3) and I’ve just restored my mac from a Timemachine backup where I have odrive installed. The problem is that now the drive folder is empty so I tried to deauthorize the app but the app just quits itself and doesn’t seem to deauthorize. When I reopen the app it is still authorized with my account. Does anybody have a similar problem or know how you can force deauthorize the app without quitting its app?
I was able to uninstall odrive using the method you showed me but another problem came up. It seems like the storage space which was used with odrive folder is still taking up my disk space but I cannot find the folder itself anywhere. I’ve tried restarting the Finder or reboot the Mac machine but the I still see that the storage is not freed. Is there any way to free my storage which was taken by odrive storage folder after uninstalling it?
Hi @flowfreestar ,
odrive doesn’t have any type of special folder that would not be visible, so you may be encountering this scenario, which is Time Machine-related: