Exclusion List - Folder & File

I know there has been some discussion on this. For my recent testing, I think this is the single factor making it difficult to fully adopt odrive.

In my test last night with Lightroom, I wanted to sync the lightroom catalog, but not necessarily the previews or the lrcat-lock and lrcat-journal files. Those are only opened when Lightroom is open so it is constantly deleting and uploading these.

I second emulating a global .gitignore style file to filter out patterns of files or folders. I think this would make this much easier. Not sure that a per folder exclusion file is needed when a global .ignore file could just have the patterns easily listed like *.lrcat-journal or *\foldertoexclude\


A post was merged into an existing topic: Custom exclusion lists for sync (detailed blacklist/whitelist control, simple file-extension exclusion, etc.)