Cloud service login

With some cloud services it is required to login in to the cloud service periodically or otherwise the account will be closed/deactivated. For example; Dropbox at least every 12 months, 4Shared at least every 180 days. Normally the native cloud service client recognises this and therefore you don’t have to login in via the website for each cloud service.

Odrive has access to the cloud services via an API or otherwise. Is this login achieved just by linking the accounts in the Odrive web interface (without actually touching the cloud service i.e. Leave everything “not expanded”, or is it necessary to actually expand the cloud service folders to placeholder and/ or actually download files at least within the period defined by the cloud service?

As an example, I have a 4shared account which I don’t use but I have linked it to Odrive. 4Shared requires a login at least every 180 days, otherwise the account will be deactivated. If I leave 4Shared only linked and do not expand or download files, does Odrive send a “login” notification anyway just because
the Odrive is linked to the 4Shared account.

Does a “refresh subscription” achieve this effect of a login?

At the end of the end, I suppose I want to know if I need to login to the cloud services I do not
use periodically, or will Odrive take care of this for me.


odrive won’t attempt to access your accounts unless it has to. This means you will want to have at least the top folder expanded in the accounts you want odrive to actively “monitor”.

I can’t speak to how these services determine activity, though. I don’t know if API access to list the folder is enough in all cases.