After installation of drive all my favorites are gone from finder

My favorite sidebar was empty after installing drive on OS X El Capitan 10.11.5. My favorite servers for network connections also all disappeared, and I can no longer add any favorite servers.

This is the first we’ve heard of this kind of thing. Your favorites were completely empty? We don’t remove anything and only add odrive as a favorite.

Can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing?
What happens when you try to add a new favorite? Any message?

No message and nothing gets logged in the console when I click the + sign.

I can drag favorites over in finder but then they may not show up the next time I log in.

In addition to installing odrive I used it to connect my Dropbox, Google Drive, Box Drive, Amazon Cloud Drive, and OneDrive, all of which had been on the favorites and are now gone. I also installed B2 from Backblaze earlier in the day and was trying to connect it with odrive.

If you haven’t seen it before then I’ll go to Apple to see how they troubleshoot the problem.


A quick search showed this article. The author hopes it will be resolved in an update, but comments seem to indicate its still an issue in 10.11.5… :frowning:

I found that article, too. I’ll let you know what I find.

Thanks for the quick response!

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